Minova Life Science

Vizcof-AX Drops

COMPOSITION – Ambroxol HCL IP 7.5mg + Guaiphenesin IP 12.5mg +Terbutaline Sulphate IP 0.25mg Syrup

Terbutaline sulphate

• Useful for the therapeutic management of chronic, prophylaxis & nocturnal asthma.


• Used in the treatment of respiratory disorders associated with viscid or excessive mucus.

Promotes mucus clearance, facilitate expectoration & eases productive cough, allowing patient to breath freely and deeply.


• Increasing the volume & reducing the viscosity of secretions in the trachea and bronchi.

• Alleviate cough discomfort by increasing sputum volume and decreasing its viscosity, thereby promoting effective cough.”


Relieves nasal congestion associated with rhinitis & helpful for breathing & symptomatic relief of dyspnea.*

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